长春市吉星车用气有限公司成立于2002年,是以发展绿色新能源为基础,以为客户创造最大利益为目标的新型产业公司,具有良好的商业信誉和诚信一流的服务。注册资金7000万元人民币,固定资产10亿元人民币,2016年实现销售汽油,柴油2万余吨,天然气2亿立方米,营业收入10亿元人民币。总公司坐落于长春市宽城区白菊路304号,目前在长春市城区建设运营8个加油站,8个压缩天然气汽车加气子站,建设运营2个合计日产50万立方米的压缩天然气(CNG)母站,2个合计日产70万立方米的液化天然气(LNG)工厂,一条长度70余公里日输气能力100万立方米天然气输气管线,共有35个分支机构组成的新能源公司。经历了从液化石油气(LPG), 压缩天然气(CNG), 液化天然气(LNG), 等新能源的转变过程,目前承担着长春市80%公交车,出租车以及吉林市,哈尔滨市,辽宁省部分城市压缩天然气保障任务,为新能源汽车事业的发展做出了突出贡献。公司在9个地区投资建设液化天然气销售网点,建设天然气加气站20余座,自主运营天然气重卡200余辆,分布在内蒙古东部露天采煤带的锡林浩特市,东乌珠穆沁旗,霍林郭勒市,辽宁省的锦州,营口,大连环渤海三大港口,吉林省的白山,四平,松原,延边等地区。初步实现了在东北和内蒙古重点物流集中区液化天然气的良好布局。目前为东北三省最大的天然气汽车服务企业之一。
Jixing Gas Service for Auto Co., Ltd. was established in 2002. As an emerging company, we specialize in developing new green energy and creating the best profit for our target customers with good business reputation and first-class service. We have a registered capital of RMB 70 million, fixed assets of RMB 1 billion. In 2016, it sold more than 20 thousand tons of gasoline and diesel and 200 million cubic meters of natural gas, with the revenue of RMB 1 billion. The headquarter is located at No. 304 Baiju Road, Kuancheng District, Changchun City. And now, in Changchun, there are 8 gas stations and 8 CNG filling sub-stations for Auto. Our new energy company includes 35 national branches. There are 2 CNG primary stations with the daily total output of 500 thousand cubic meters, 2 LNG factories with the daily total output of 700 thousand cubic meters and a more than 70km natural gas pipeline with 1 million cubic meters daily gas transmission capacity. After the transformation process of new energies such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG), the company now undertakes the task of supporting CNG for 80% of buses and taxies in Changchun City, Jilin City, Haerbin City and some cities in Liaoning province. It makes outstanding contributions to the development of new energy vehicles. Jixing is constructing LNG sales sites in 9 areas, building more than 20 natural gas stations, and is operating more than 200 natural gas trucks in East Ujimqin Qi, Xilin Gol League, Huolinguole in inner Mongolia, city of Jinzhou, Yingkou, Dalian in Liaoning province, and Baishan, Siping, Songyuan, Yanbian in Jilin province. At present, Jixing is one of the largest natural gas service enterprises in the three northeastern provinces.